
2024: The Year in Review

December 16, 2024|

Earlier this month, the Women’s Forest Congress held our final lunch and learn of the year - a debrief and celebration of where we’ve been, where we are, and where are we going. It’s been [...]

Can We See People from Trees?

March 27, 2024|

By: Jaana Korhonen, Member, Women's Forest Congress Advisory Council and Researcher, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) We recently published an article titled 'Gaps in Diversity Representation and Data Insufficiencies in the U.S. [...]

Navigating Career Transitions at SAF Convention Meet-Up

December 6, 2023|

By: Nadine Block and Jamie Dahl Almost a year after important groundwork was laid at the in-person 2022 Women’s Forest Congress (WFC) event in Minneapolis, there continues to be intense excitement to “actualize” the 2022 [...]

Thoughts from a new Steering Committee member

September 20, 2023|

By: Megan Mustoe, Member of the WFC Steering Committee and Forestry Counsel, The Conservation Fund Hello everyone! It’s so nice to meet you. I am excited to learn from your experiences, hopes, and dreams of [...]

Furthering the Freedom to Be Foresters

April 6, 2023|

by Terry Baker, CEO Society of American Foresters There was a palpable sense of relief and an undercurrent of joy at the inaugural Women’s Forest Congress in Minneapolis in October 2022. As one of four [...]

Visual Mapping as a Powerful Tool for Long-Term Projects

March 15, 2023|

By: Urban Wild Studio Here at Urban Wild Studio, we’ve taken a liking to drawing *a lot* of trees… and that’s thanks to one of our most meaningful partnerships and powerful visual storytelling suites [...]

Shaping The Future, Seizing The Moment

February 8, 2023|

We are shaped by the influences people play in our lives. I have been blessed to be surrounded and inspired by leading women from my mother to my wife to my daughter, who is breaking [...]

An opportunity I do not take for granted!

December 13, 2022|

By: Yetunde Rotimi To start with, have you ever attended a conference or a meeting of any kind that had all your expenses covered? Unfortunately, I did not have the privilege of enjoying such an [...]


November 16, 2022|

2022 Women's Forest Congress Camp Ripley Tour By Candra Burns People who identify as women within the forest community have been creating an in-person congress for two years, culminating in a four-day event in [...]

My reflections on the Inaugural Women’s Forest Congress

November 1, 2022|

By Delie Wilkens I approached the Inaugural Women’s Forest Congress in the same way I approach almost all professional working events: with muted anxiety and an internal mantra of “it’ll be over in a few [...]

Women’s Forest Congress summary

October 26, 2022|

By Amanda Mahaffey I was in a room with 500 women forest stewards. What?! When did that happen, ever? It happened at the inaugural Women’s Forest Congress this October in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Congress was [...]

Meet Me at the Source

September 7, 2022|

by Brandi Colander Senior Advisor, Enviva Co-Founder, #SheWillRise Founding Member (DC), Chief Chair of the Board, DC Green Bank Board Member, VEIC I’ve always had a passion for nature and marveled at the power [...]

A Seat at the Table for Everyone – Especially You

August 9, 2022|

By: MaryKate Bullen Member of the WFC Advisory Council Director of Sustainability and ESG at Forest Investment Associates  Early this May, I walked into a brightly lit meeting room in an airport hotel in [...]

Professional diversity is key to conservation success

June 7, 2022|

By: Brenda Lee Sieglitz Senior Manager – Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership Assistant Director – Making History Campaign Chesapeake Bay Foundation I start many conversations with “My background is in business.” I never used to [...]

Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Will Help Our Climate

April 22, 2022|

By Rita Hite President and CEO, American Forest Foundation Founding Member of the Women’s Forest Congress Steering Committee On January 1, 2022, I put my boots on the ground as the first woman to serve [...]

Bringing a Woman Forester’s Perspective to Philmont Scout Ranch

December 10, 2021|

By Nadine Block Senior Vice President, Community and Government Relations Sustainable Forestry Initiative Member of the Women’s Forest Congress Content Development Working Group There are dozens of reasons I am grateful for the Women’s Forest [...]

Women in Forestry Coming Together

November 18, 2021|

By: Rachel Comte, Principal, Arborist, Urban Planner at Urban Canopy Works Original version published on LinkedIn on June 22, 2021 Over the years, it has seemed that every project we work on there are more and [...]

We are in this together

October 15, 2021|

By: Tia Beavert, Tribal Forest Manager, Yakama Nation Tribal Forestry When I was eleven years old, I went on my second gillnet fishing trip on the Columbia River with my dad, Charlie. The year before, my parents [...]

Why do I join the Women’s Forest Congress? 

September 1, 2021|

By: Kathy Doyle, Ph.D., Middlebury College and Doyle Ecological Services To what shall I give myself?   That is a question I am asking these days, and the Women's Forest Congress feels like an important part [...]

Why does it matter if a forester is a woman?

August 9, 2021|

By:Mindy S. Crandall (she/her/hers) I recently gave a talk at the Society of American Foresters (SAF) National Convention about some efforts at a university to better retain women enrolled in traditional undergraduate forestry majors (1). [...]

The Free to Grow in Forestry Initiative – From Vision to Action

July 12, 2021|

By: Kelly Cooper Founder and CEO, Centre for Social Intelligence  Co-Lead, Free to Grow in Forestry   Several years before the Women’s Forest Congress was formed, the Free to Grow in Forestry initiative came together to [...]

I am because women before me believed in ME

June 1, 2021|

By: Dr. Antomia (Mia) Farrell 2020 was a year of uncertainty for us all, but the Women’s Forest Congress was birthed! Through the Women’s Forest Congress, I feel like I have inherited newfound sisters from [...]

Because some #WomenInForestry just isn’t enough

February 9, 2021|

By: Jasmine Brown When I first learned about the Women’s Forest Congress, I had flashbacks of all the times I felt out of place in my forestry career. All the times I was the only [...]

Why It’s Time for the Women’s Forest Congress

February 7, 2021|

By: Ara Erickson I graduated from college twenty years ago, from a program split almost evenly by gender. Our professors were mostly men, but it felt like there was a shift taking place. There were [...]

I am part of the Women’s Forest Congress because

February 6, 2021|

By: Katie Fernholz I am part of the Women’s Forest Congress because I believe the time is now to come together and make things the way they need to be. Exciting things are happening in [...]

Why I simply must be a part of the Women’s Forest Congress

February 5, 2021|

By Elizabeth Woodworth The Women's Forest Congress is gaining momentum thanks to a group of incredible, inspiring, caring, accomplished women, with whom I'm honored and so happy to work with. I have always looked for [...]