Advisory Council

The Women’s Forest Congress Advisory Council will guide – and advise – the Steering Committee in planning, implementing, and delivering impactful outcomes from the Women’s Forest Congress.  This group of visionary, practical and supportive women will serve as advocates for the broader effort and ensure equal representation from a diversity of backgrounds, organizations and views. The Advisory Council brings unique knowledge and skills to augment the Steering Committee, with the goal of launching and building out the Women’s Forest Congress.

Ebonie Alexander
Ebonie AlexanderExecutive Director, Black Family Land Trust
Ebonie joined the Council because she thinks its work has value for all communities. On a personal level, she believes she will bring an important voice to the Council based on her cultural and programmatic experience. Ebonie lives on land that has been in her family for generations and when she walks in the woods she feels a spiritual connection with her ancestors.
Tia Beavert
Tia BeavertTribal Forest Manager, Yakama Nation Tribal Forestry
Tia accepted her role on the Council because she wants the opportunity to encourage other women to grow professionally and to enhance her ability to manage Yakama lands for her people. As an enrolled member of the Yakama Tribe, she brings a Tribal perspective to the Council.
Lily Brod
Lily BrodForester, Manulife Investment Management
Lily, as one of the youngest members of the Council, will contribute the perspective of an early-career natural resource professional. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, her childhood in the outdoors fostered a love and admiration of forests and other natural ecosystems.

A 2021 graduate of Oregon State’s College of Forestry and practicing forester for Manulife, she offers expertise in forest biology and education outreach through her work for the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of Washington State. She is enthusiastic about supporting WFC’s work to foster underrepresented groups in natural resource management.

Angela Coleman
Angela ColemanAssociate Chief, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service
Alicia Cramer
Alicia CramerSenior Vice President, U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities
Alicia is happy to serve on the Council after having been a founding member of the Steering Committee. Her professional history spans 30 years and includes multiple roles within the packaging, paper and recreation sectors while supporting the forestry sector. Throughout her career, she has understood first-hand what it’s like being the only woman at the table (or even in the room), and is committed to finding leadership opportunities for women including C-suite executives and Board Directors.
Asia Dowtin, PhD
Asia Dowtin, PhD Assistant Professor of Urban and Community Forestry, Michigan State University
Asia’s work explores the cross-section of nature’s role in urban development, specifically the relationships between forests and the development of urban forest management plans, regional water resource management, and hazard mitigation.
Ara Erickson
Ara EricksonVice President, Corporate Sustainability, Weyerhaeuser
Ara is a supporter for the Women’s Forest Congress because she believes in the power of building supportive communities to help make the work a better place. Ara works in the private forest sector, where she is an advocate for sustainable, working forests.
Cecilia M. Hernandez
Cecilia M. HernandezPublic Gardens Curator and Horticulturist
Cecilia believes in the potential for change in the forest sector, its interconnected fields, and the benefits it will bring to many communities. Her experience in botanic gardens and public parks brings an urban design and horticulture perspective to the Council.
Shenandoah Johns
Shenandoah JohnsChief Environment and Sustainability Officer, West Fraser
Shenandoah believes the Women’s Forest Congress has a unique opportunity to create powerful conversations about belonging, in a sector that has not traditionally reflected the people in the communities we live in. Shenandoah is employed at a forest company, and believes sustainable, working forests are a critical factor in combating climate change.
Jaana Korhonen
Jaana KorhonenUSFS Forest Economics and Policy Fellowship, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Jaana is honored to join the advisory Council because the WFC supports diverse women/non-binary people to realize their power and potential to transform the forest sector toward a more sustainable state.

As a research scientist in forest policy and economics, she has been engaged with interdisciplinary research projects that deal with sustainability management and governance of forest bioeconomy, structural changes and price interference in forest product markets, and the representation and role of diverse employees in the forest sector.

Caitlyn Pollihan
Caitlyn PollihanCEO and Executive Director, International Society of Arboriculture
Caitlyn accepted her role on the Council because she feels that increasing the participation of women in the forestry sector is critical for the future of our forests. Caitlyns’s regular visits to her local park in Atlanta have highlighted the importance of using her work to guarantee access to trees and green space for everyone.
Toni Sandoval
Toni SandovalForester, Yakama Nation Tribal Forestry
I am excited to join the council because I believe it is important to encourage young women to pursue careers in forestry. As a recent graduate, I just started my career as a Forester for my tribe and am grateful to follow in the footsteps of my family who have worked in the program before me. I hope to use this opportunity to grow and learn from all the wonderful women in the Congress. I also hope to provide cultural and diverse perspectives of the new generation in forestry.

Past Advisory Council members

The Women’s Forest Congress would like to express gratitude to previous members of the Advisory Council for their leadership and guidance.

MaryKate Bullen, Director of Sustainability and ESG, Forest Investment Associates
Deborah Hawkinson, President, Forest Resources Association
Jessica Leahy, Henry W. Saunders Distinguished Professor in Forestry, University of Maine
Deborah Spalding, Co-Chief Investment Officer, Commonfund
Andrea Tuttle, Forest Policy and Climate Change Consultant
Tanya Wick, Associate Vice President, Human Resources, Safety and Environment at University of Alberta